Invited talks

Delivered an invited talk on “Water Conservation” in a one day workshop on Water conservation and cleanliness drive organised by  Uttarakhand Sanskrit Vishavidyalaya Haridwar  dated 17 August 2024.
Delivered an Invited talk on “Environmental Issues” in Department of  Zoology and Environmental Science, Organised by Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University) Haridwar from dated 23-25 December 2023.
Delivered an Invited talk on “How to Write and Publish a good Research Paper” in Department of of Bioscience and Biotechnology Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan dated 09 December 2023.
Delivered an Invited talk on “Personality Development” in Transitional curriculam program of BAMS 2023-24 batch, organised by Uttarakhand Ayurvedic University, Gurukul Campus, Haridwar dated 07.11.2023
Delivered an Invited talk on “How to Write and Publish a good Research Paper” in International Conference on Panchakarma from 18-20 May 2023 organised by Department of Panchakarma, Uttarakhand Ayurveda University, Gurukul Campus, Haridwar.
Delivered an Invited talk on “Right to Information” in Professional Development & Administrative Training Programme (For Non-teaching Employees) from 12-22 October 2022 organised by Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University) Haridwar.
Delivered an Invited talk on “NCC AIMS AND OBJECTIVES” in Student Orientation Programme organized by Physical and Sports Department, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University) Haridwar dated 07.11.2022-12.11.2022. 
Delivered an Key note lecture in  GangaAyurCon-2022 an International Conference on Medicinal Plants of Ganga River Basin and Their Therapeutic importance in India system of Medicine on 5th- 6th September 2022  organized by Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun
Delivered an expert lecture in National Webinar on “River Ganga From Vedic Point of View” on 5th June 2021  organized by Department of Botany, Sacred Heart Degree College, Sitapur
Delivered an expert lecture in Web Discussion on “Environmental Issues in Context of Resurgence of Covid pandemic” on 5th June 2021 Jointly organized by Himalayan management and Development Resource Institute Rishikesh and Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness, Rishikesh 
Delivered an expert lecture in online webinar on “Veda and Water Ecosystem” on 5th June 2021 organized by Subharti Institute of Engineering and Technology, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut 
Delivered an expert lecture in International webinar on “Role of Science and Technology in Global health and Food security” organized by Zoology & Biotechnology Deptt. & Science Committee Govt. Girls’ P.G. College, Ujjain (M.P.) from 1st-3rd March 2021.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Environment and Ecology” in Online Student Induction Programme organized by Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar from 14-19 December 2020.
Delivered an invited talk on “Ozone Layer Depletion” on 16th September 2020 on International day for the preservation of The Ozone Layer 2020 organized by Eco club, ITM University and 8 MP BN NCC, Gwalior, MP
Delivered an invited talk on “Ecology and Ecosystem” on 10th September 2020 in Two days Webinar on “Importance of Environmental studies for teachers” organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavdyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Delivered an invited talk on “Water and its Conservation” on 29th July 2020 in International Webinar on “Biodiversity conservation through environmental education for sustainable development” organized by Dr. PDBH Government Post Graduate College, Kotdwara, District – Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand in collaboration with TRAFFIC- India.
Act as Resource person in Two days Faculty enrichment programme dated 14th and 15 th July 2020 on “How to Write and Publish  a good research paper and How to enhance your research profile using different digital identifiers” Organised by Arya Mahila P.G. College, Varanasi 
Act as Resource person in Seven Days Online Faculty Development Programme from 14th to 20th June 2020. on ‘Research Methodology and ICT Tools’ Organized by Dr. Janak Singh Socio Cultural Educational Society Bareilly (U.P.), India
Act as Resource person in National Webinar on ” Biodiversity as Sustainable Manager” held on 5th June 2020, Organised by Ecoclub, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.)
Delivered an invited talk on “Ecological modelling” on 20.02.2020 in 8th International Conference on Technology, innovation and Management for sustainable development TIMS-2020, organized by ITM University , Gwalior
Delivered an invited talk on “Basics of Ecological Modelling” on 01.12.2019 in National Conference on Green Development for Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Progress organized by A.S. (P.G.) College Mawana, Meerut
Delivered an invited talk on “ How to publish research paper in Reputed, High impact factor Research Journals” on 19.12.2018 in National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Faculty of Health Science, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Delivered an invited talk on “Solid waste management” in Smt. Taravati Institute of Bio-medical and Allied Sciences, Roorkee on 10th May 2017
Delivered an invited talk on “Water and Waste water analysis” in Deptt. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar on 20.04.2017
Delivered an invited talk on “Environmental Science” for B.Com. Students in HEC PG College, Haridwar on 17th November 2016
Delivered an invited talk on “Environmental Pollution and its Health Effects” on 5th March 2016 in International Conference on Recent Advancements in Panchakarma-2016 organized by Deptt. Of Panchakarma Uttarakhand Ayurved University in collaboration with Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India
Delivered an invited talk on “Ecological modeling as a tool for water quality management” on 22nd March 2013 in National Seminar on Modelling and its application in science and technology” being organized by IIMT Engineering college , Meerut
Delivered an invited talk on “Ecology and Environment” during R/04/CATC camp, Purkaji organized by 3 UK CTR NCC, IIT Campus, Roorkee from 2nd July 2012 to 11th July 2012
Delivered an invited lecture on “Medicinal plants and their role in pharmaceuticals” on 23rd May 2011 in Regional Seminar on “Current trends in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceuticals industries being organized by Graphic Era University, Dehradun
Delivered an invited lecture on “Water analysis” on 24nd of November 2005 a six-week training course for lawyers of South Asian Countries (SAARC) being organized at Eco- Ashram, Rishikesh from Sept. 18 to October 30 2004
Delivered an invited lecture on “Pesticides and our environment” in 15 day training programme for rural and unemployment development organized by “Uttaranchal Mushroom udhyan Vagramodhoyog Swath Sahkarita Ltd. On 25/7/05
Delivered an invited lecture on “Soil and water Pollution in India” in 15 day training programme for rural and unemployment development organized by “Uttaranchal Mushroom udhyan Vagramodhoyog Swath Sahkarita Ltd. On 25/7/05
Delivered an invited lecture on “Apiculture” in Horticulture technology mission programme on 10/03/05
Delivered an invited lecture on “Pearl Culture” in Horticulture technology mission programme on 23/01/05
Delivered an invited lecture on “ Biotic Communities in Aquatic System” on 22nd of September 2004 a six-week training course for lawyers of South Asian Countries (SAARC)” being organized at Eco- Ashram, Rishikesh from Sept. 18 to October 30 2004
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